Wednesday, September 14, 2011

stretching out tight jeans::It may be the extra cookies you ate, but more likely, your favorite denim contracted in the heat of the dryer and this is fixable stretching out tight jeans

stretching out tight jeans stretching out tight jeans::It may be the extra cookies you ate, but more likely, your favorite denim contracted in the heat of the dryer and this is fixable.
Relax, your jeans probably just shrunk a bit in the dryer as the denim is likely to constrict making them feel more snug than is comfortable.
Take a deep breath this likely is fixable.
One secret i learned from my mom is to iron the jeans.
Try the jeans on while they are still warm , but not too hot, it they are still too tight, the warmth will help for the next steps.
Fill a spray bottle with either tap water or tap water with a teaspoon of liquid fabric softener and mist the top half of your jeans to slightly damp.
If your jeans run a bit snug, try not to dry them in a dryer and instead hang to dry.
If you throw them in a dryer, limit the heat to the delicate setting to reduce the heat that constricts the fabric.

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