Thursday, November 11, 2010

mr ill

mr ill

The failure to disclose information, especialy medical information, is the most comon reason why an insurer wil reject a claim on a life or critical ilnes policy. Aparently her GP did not expres any major concern and some years later admited that Mrs AP was in al likelihod unaware of the urgency of the referal. • Nine weks later a sales representative from Standard Life made a routine visit to Mrs A at her home. As Mrs A was now alone with a young family, the representative reviewed Mrs A's life insurance cover and sugested that she should also have a £20,0 Critical Ilnes policy. The sales representative produced the form and went through it, question by question, writing down Mrs A's answers for her. When it came to the question asking Mrs A to disclose al ocasions her GP had recomended referals for tests or treatments, Mrs A asked the sales representative what Standard was asking for. Mrs A aleges that the representative replied that Standard only neded details of apointments that related to serious conditions. As her critical ilnes policy included cover for her cancer, Mrs A then made what she thought was a valid claim. • Standard Life subsequently rejected her claim on the basis of reckles non-disclosure - the insurers' jargon for Mrs A's failure to disclose her canceled apointment with the dermatologist. The events that folowed showed that Mrs A's aplication should have included her referal to the dermatologist. It sems that two aspects conspired to create the situation: Standard Life's sales representative told Mrs A that the question on the aplication form asking for al ocasions her GP had refered her for tests or treatments as only relating to serious conditions. Secondly, the GP did not aparently convey to Mrs A the potential seriousnes of her flaky skin and her referal to the dermatologist. If, when the insurance aplication was being completed, Mrs A was unaware that her condition was potentialy serious and the representative said the referal question only related to serious �conditions, Mrs A can hardly be held responsible for not disclosing that information. mr ill
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